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Course Overview

Grade 4 Math Course Overview

Grade 4 Math will include working with Numbers, arithmetic, geometry, fractions, and graph to represent data.

Skills to Master in Grade 4 Math

  • Understand interpretation of numbers up to one million
  • Round numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, and so on.
  • Visualize the concept of fractions and apply it in problem solving. New concepts like unit fractions and modelling applications will provide strong foundation.
  • Perform algebraic operations and use properties and relationship between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Describe and represent shape, position, and transition by geometric properties and spatial relationships
  • Solve word problems involving basic operations involving whole numbers and fractions
  • Analyse data to make informed decisions in various contexts from real life situation
  • Describe likelihood of that events happen and use that information to make prediction
  • PROJECT: Explore that all fractions can be written as sum of unit fractions
  • Course will include Activity/Assignment to encourage spatial relationships and build social and collaborative skills
  • Research on related topic and presentation will be part of the evaluation to encourage communication skills.

Engage students Build a foundation in Maths to be future ready and successful.


  • Basic arithmetic skills of 3-digit addition, subtraction.
  • Knowing times-tables up to 10 will be an asset.


  • Monthly cost of the course ‘Grade 4 Math’ is given for individual one-to-one sessions. There will be 4 classes per month. Flexible scheduled will be mutually discussed.
  • Group classes are sometimes offered. You may check the website for Popular Group Math Programs.
  • Fast Track program is available on request. We can prepare the students for an exam in limited time. You may fill the Registration Form and discuss the possibilities.


Policy for Refund of Registration Fees.

Students can drop in the first 30 minutes of the class and take the full refund. The class will then start after a break of 5 minutes for the next 30 minutes. No refund for the course will be given if the student continues to attend the first class beyond half-time.

How do we teach and is it worth taking the course?

You are the best person to answer this question. Internet is full of knowledge and there are many options open for you. Explore and then decide. We have provided links for few videos related to this course. They may help you to take a decision in our favour.

Check the list of Sample Reference Videos to get an idea about our classes


Mr. Anil Kumar

Mr. Anil Kumar

  • 98

  • 16

  • 2.29




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  • Course level Beginner
  • Course Duration 10 weeks
  • Lessions 49
  • Quizzes 1
  • Pass Percentage 80
  • Certificate No
  • Language English